Hi there! I am


Software Engineer

Competitive Coder

Shopify Developer

Web Developer


I know that Good Projects
mean Great Opportunities

Competitive Coder

Competitive Coder

Love to code my solutions out of the competitions and thus create a strong problem solv

Software Developer

Software Developer

I love to create solutions to problems via code and would want to bring your ideas to life with my code.

Frontend Developer

Frontend Developer

I am learning about diffrent web frameworks and honing my skills as a seasoned developer by utilising the Javascripts frameworks like React, Angular etc.

Shopify Web Developer

Shopify Web Developer

This is the area that I've worked on for quite some time and have learned and gained some experience as well. I enjoy experimenting with field related to web dev and want to learn more.

Digital Marketer

Digital Marketer

This is one of my major skills which I have got and has helped me in my communication building skills

Educational Institute and Information

University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata

University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata

Manan Vidya

Manan Vidya


B.Tech - Computer Science

University of Engineering & Management, Kolkata - 9.63 GPA

I have been studying about various computer technologies and have been working on improving both my Coding knowledge and my Analytical Skills - Subjects Included: DSA, Operating System, Automata, OOPS etc


Class XII

Manan Vidya - 87.5%

Secured 3rd rank in my School


B.Tech - Computer Science

University of Engineering & Management, Kolkata - 9.34 GPA

I have been studying about various computer technologies and have been working on improving both my Coding knowledge and my Analytical Skills - Subjects Included: DSA, Operating System, Automata, OOPS etc


Class X

Manan Vidya - 10 CGPA

10 CGPA and amongst the School and City Toppers list

My Creative Portfolio Section

Web App
React JS
Client Projects


This Project consists of a To-Do-List handler. Where you could put your day to day tasks. And even check and Uncheck them when done.



This is my first Api based project and it is used to find a meal based on the core ingredient which you have searched for in the search bar.

Web App

Sporty- API based Spotify Clone

- Sporty-lyriks, the music app built with React.js, Tailwind, ShazamcoreApi, and Redux Toolkit. (It has few errors because of the API not functioning lately as soon as it is fixed it will start working accordingly)

React JS

Time Table App

This is a basic Time Table app just to check my routine and do I remember the concepts of HTML or not


Collab Board

This is a live Collab Board for Teams on web. This is somewhat works similar to excalidraw, Miro and Eraser.io


RMD Boards

RMD Boards - your trusted source for premium plywood solutions! Crafted with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Tailwind CSS, our website is more than just an online platform - it's a gateway to superior quality and craftsmanship.

Web App

E-Commerce - Fullstack

A NextJs based website fullstack E-commerce project with a linked and functional Payement gateway working with the use of sanity and stripe

React JS

Basic Portfolio-HTML,CSS,JS

This was my first attempt to create a portfolio for myself. Using HTML,CSS & JavaScript. It is non-responsive


Shining Star Studio

Shining Star Studio - your ultimate destination for premium sports supplies! Crafted with Shopify, our website is more than just an e-commerce platform - it's a gateway to excellence in athletic performance and equipment.


Nevika Fashion Store

Nevika Fashion - your premier destination for timeless elegance and style! Built with Shopify, Liquid, JavaScript, and seamless third-party integrations, nevikafashion.com is more than just an online store - it's a fashion sanctuary.


Property Finding Web-App

This App mainly focuses on the pain points of students through which they can find properties for their accomodation.

Web App

Skills & Experience

Html 5

Html 5
















Front End Web Developer Intern

Velozity Global Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. - (Aug-Dec)

- Responsible for creating responsive websites with the help of HTML, CSS and JavaScript - In charge of creating websites using Shopify -Also actively pursuing a React Course


App Bug Testing and Community Management Intern

BucketList - (July-Sept)

I worked as a Bug tester and a Community Engagement Intern. My major responsibilities included reporting bugs on the app managing queries of users corresponding to the app

Data Analysis and CRO intern

DataVinci - (Sept-Dec)

I was responsible for conducting CRO audits and Data Analysis of the Company websites related to their traffic and other stuff.


Digital Marketing Intern

Squareit Solutions-(July-Sept)

Managed the website of 2 clients and played a key role in accelerating their growth by implementing digital marketing strategies


Web Developer

Velozity Global Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. - (January-April)

•Spearheaded 4 projects, leading the development efforts and UI design using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Liquid, and Hydrogen (JavaScript Framework for Shopify Development). •Assumed a pivotal role in a major project, taking charge of the Login Page development using React.js. •Successfully established and customized 3 Shopify stores and incorporated customizations through Liquid and Hydrogen (JavaScript Framework for Shopify Development). •Some of my project links are - https://nevikafashion.com/, https://myurbanfarm.org/, https://shop.myurbanfarm.org/, https://rmdboard.com/ •Mentored and guided one of the new team members in the tasks and helped them in KT.

Associate Software Engineer

Accenture (September-Present*)

•Getting Trained on Java Full Stack for Web Development
Pratik Kalsekar

Shivam is a very driven and committed person who has a strong work ethic and a terrific sense of humour. From technical jobs to team projects, he excels in all facets of his work and consistently goes above and beyond to meet deadlines and accomplish his objectives. Shivam is a great option if you need someone who can manage challenging software development projects or just someone to make the office more fun. Shivam is the ideal candidate if you're searching for a talented and motivated team member to infuse some much-needed enthusiasm into your company.

Pratik Kalsekar

DataVinci-(Senior CRO Head)
World of Gods
Velozity Global Solutions
Sqaureit Solutions